Social4Schools Academy

Social Media 101

This course curriculum is a culmination of years of experience with actual school social page management by real-life, professional social media managers. Now, we’re sharing all of our know-how and trade secrets with you!
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Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Social4Schools Academy!

  • 2

    Lesson 1: Creating a Social Media Policy for Your School

    • Intro to Creating a Social Media Policy
    • Getting Started Worksheet
    • Your School-Wide Social Media Policy
    • Links & Resources
    • A Reminder for School Staff
    • Lesson 1 Homework: Create a Social Media Policy for Your School
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    Lesson 2: Choosing & Setting Up Your School Social Media Pages

    • Intro to Choosing & Setting Up Your Social Media Pages
    • So Many Choices!
    • Narrowing It Down
    • Jack of All Trades, Master of None
    • Setting Up Your School's Page(s)
    • How to Set Up Facebook
    • How to Set Up Instagram
    • How to Set Up Twitter
    • How to Set Up Pinterest
    • Managing Your Settings & Branding Your Pages
    • Start Building an Audience
    • Lesson 2 Homework: Checklist for Setting Up Your Social pages
    • BONUS: Order Your Social Media Graphics
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    Lesson 3: Scheduling Your Posts

    • Intro to Scheduling Your Posts
    • Who's Your Audience?
    • When to Post
    • How Often Should I Post?
    • Content Calendars
    • Sample Content Calendar
    • Scheduling Your Posts
    • Cross Posting
    • Links & Resources
    • Lesson 3 Homework: Top 10 Tips for Scheduling Success
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    Lesson 4: Generating Content

    • Intro to Generating Content
    • What is Social Media Content?
    • Sharing Your School's Stories
    • Content Types & The Golden Ratio
    • Where to Find Content
    • Awesome Content Resources
    • Lesson 4 Homework: Generate Your Content
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    Lesson 5: Building the Perfect Post

    • Intro to Building the Perfect Post
    • Posts that Engage
    • The Importance of Digital Citizenship
    • The Anatomy of the Perfect Post
    • Infographic & Resources
    • Lesson 5 Homework: Building the Perfect Post Checklist & Brainstorm
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    Lesson 6: Using Visuals in Your Social Posts

    • Intro to Using Visuals
    • The Why
    • The How
    • Visual Resources
    • Lesson 6 Homework: Visual Brainstorm
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    Lesson 7: Creating Your Own Graphics

    • Intro to Creating Your Own Graphics
    • Using Canva
    • Adding Text & ADA Compliance
    • Resources
    • Lesson 7 Homework: Create Your Own Graphic
    • Bonus! Evergreen Images
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    Lesson 8: Social Media Campaigns

    • Intro to Social Media Campaign
    • What's a Social Media Campaign?
    • Evergreen Social Media Campaigns
    • Daily-Themed Social Media Campaigns
    • Seasonal Social Media Campaigns
    • Now It's Your Turn!
    • Lesson 8 Homework: Create Your Campaign
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    Lesson 9: Using Social Media to Communicate, Market, and Grow

    • Intro to Using Social Media to Communicate
    • Goal: Connect with Existing Families
    • Goal: Market Your School
    • Goal: Grow Enrollment
    • Goal: Manage Your School's Reputation
    • Lesson 9 Homework: Goal Overview
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    Lesson 10: Social Media Analytics

    • Intro to Social Media Analytics
    • Getting Started: Social Media Analytics Defined
    • Common Analytic Terms
    • Free Analytics Tools
    • Pro Tips
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    Lesson 11: Staying Up On the Latest Social Media Best Practices

    • Intro to Staying Up on the Latest Social Media Best Practices
    • The Facebook Algorithm
    • Third-Party Platforms/Apps
    • Professional Development Resources
    • Lesson 11 Homework: Keeping Your Skills Updated
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    If It's Time to Hire Professionals

    • Intro to Hiring Professionals
    • Asking for Help

What to Expect

The School Webmasters social media department has been managing social media pages for districts, schools, and education organizations since 2016. Our experience partnering with educators to maintain a positive social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest has made us experts not only in navigating the ins and outs of using each of these platforms effectively, but in following best practices for schools using social media safely and effectively.

  • At-your-own-pace access to our school social media management training course

  • Best practice advice, useful downloads, how-to videos, and a certificate of completion at the end of the course

  • Support from the School Webmasters Social Media Director (your personal Social4Schools Academy mentor)

  • A discounted rate on social media management should you decide to partner with School Webmasters to manage your school pages later on

Included With This Course

  • Membership in a private Facebook group

    Access social media management tips, how-to videos, and ongoing professional development concerning the world of social media for schools. You'll also have the opportunity to share resources with other school personnel who are managing their own school pages.

  • Social4Schools eBook

    Everyone learns a little differently so we've compiled many of the key concepts of this course into an eBook. We know you'll enjoy this how-to guide for creating and managing an effective social media presence for your school!

  • Professional profile/cover graphics

    Your enrollment in Social4Schools Academy qualifies you for a set of custom, professionally created graphics for your school’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages to help brand your social media presence in a high quality, consistent way.

Meet Your Instructors

Heidi James

Social Media Director

Heidi James

Heidi holds an associate's degree from Brigham Young University in General Education, and a certificate as a Social Media Specialist from Udemy Online Leaning . Before coming to School Webmasters, Heidi managed social media for businesses. Some of her clients include Crowne Plaza Resort, Marketing Maverick Consulting, and Keep Nature Wild. Heidi and her team set up and manage social media platforms for schools and organizations, with special focus on marketing specialized programs and growing enrollment. Heidi’s expertise in all things social—including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more—helps districts and schools improve their communication and increase their visibility.
